Bills Passed in the Last Legislative Cycle on Immigration
To summarize, the bills proposed in the last legislative cycle on immigration include the following:
- Section 1: Law enforcement cannot discriminate according to race, religion, color, ethnicity etc.
- Section 2: Intentional smuggling of humans into the United States is a felony. If the person being smuggled is of age (18 years or older), the punishment is at least 5 years in prison or a fine of at most $10,000, or both. If the person is less than 18, the punishment is harsher: no less than 10 years in prison, or $20,000 in fine, or both.
- Section 3: Creates a law that makes assisting illegal smuggling a crime too.
- Section 4: Including the legal punishment, smugglers will also have their vehicles/vessels they used for illegal smuggling taken away.
- Section 5: Allows law enforcement to give non immigrants permission if they are helping police in a criminal investigation.
- Section 6: Allows police to investigate citizenship of people in jail for small misdemeanors.
- Section 7: Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control is in charge of cracking down on illegal immigration.
- Section 8: Law Enforcement Education and Training can train officers on fighting illegal immigration. Also identifies what the training must pertain to.
Sources: 11-8-11
Other States and Immigration (namely Arizona and Alabama)
Alabama Governor Jan Brewer signed a controversial bill on immigration in 2010. The law is considered the toughest measure any state had taken to crack down on illegal immigration. Named Senate Bill 1070, it required Arizona drivers to always carry a certification of citizenship as proof that they are not illegal immigrants. This bill gave law enforcement the power to stop "suspicious" drivers and demand proof of citizenship.
The legal system in one state influences the legal systems in all the other states in the U.S. According to an article an Yahoo, Georgia, Mississippi, Oklahoma and South Carolina were the most likely to pass similar immigration laws. Alabama's Governor, Robert Bentley, has already signed a similar immigration law.
So far, Arizona and Alabama are the only two states to pass this new measure.
How These Amendments Were Passed-How They Were Enforced and Challenged in CourtThese proposed amendments were partially passed. A year ago, the Department of Justice challenged Arizona in court. As a result, some parts of the proposed bill, such as the detention of a driver without citizenship proof, were blocked. The civil rights group for Latinos, ACLU, also sued Utah for similar laws. The reason why the cour decided to block some parts of the law was because they contradicted federal immigration policy. The parts of the that the Department of Justice found were under the state's authority were passed.
Arguments against illegal immigrants and for the law include:
- Illegal immigration take American jobs. Americans desperately need these jobs due to rising unemployment rates.
- Illegal immigration increases the illegal drug threat. If illegal immigration is controlled, it would greatly help the U.S and Mexico in Mexico's drug war.
- Illegal immigrants get benefits (health care, financial aid etc.) but do not pay taxes.
- So many illegal immigrants are in the U.S undocumented. This is a risk to national security as so many people are in the country without proper identity.
Fox News and Illegal Immigration
Arguments supporting illegal immigrants and against the law include:
- America is a land of freedom. Now that 12 million illegal immigrants are already here, we need practical solutions.
- People shouldn't be afraid of the government-they shouldn't see it as a threat.
- Because of the law, so many illegal Latinos won't report child abuse, domestic violence, poverty etc. because of fear of deportation.
- The law allows for Latino discrimination and profiling.
- Measures like carrying identification around everywhere are way too harsh.
Life of An Illegal Immigrant
Obama and Illegal Immigration
Date: 11-8/9-11
Our Representatives and Senators: Scorecard
The House of Representatives
HOUSE BILL 1446: Immigration; relating to unlawful transport of an alien; making the smuggling of human beings
Armes Fourkiller McNiel Roberts, D.
Banz Glenn McPeak Roberts, S.
Bennett Grau Moore Rousselot
Billy Hall Morgan Russ
Blackwell Hardin Mulready Sanders
Brumbaugh Hickman Murphey Schwartz
Cannaday Holland Nelson Sears
Casey Hoskin Newell Shannon
Christian Inman Nollan Stiles
Cockroft Jackson Ortega Sullivan
Condit Jordan Osborn Terrill
Coody Joyner Ownbey Thomsen
Cooksey Kern Peters Tibbs
Cox Key Peterson Trebilcock
Dank Kirby Pittman Vaughan
Denney Kouplen Proctor Watson
DeWitt Lockhart Quinn Wright
Dorman Martin, Sc. Renegar Mr.Speaker
Enns Martin, St. Reynolds
Farley McCullough Richardson
Faught McDaniel, R. Ritze
McDaniel, J. Shelton Virgin
Brown McAffrey Sherrer
Hilliard Morrissette Shoemake
Johnson Roan Senate
Aldridge Burrage Jolley Shortey
Allen Crain Justice Simpson
Anderson David Marlatt Sparks
Ballenger Ellis Mazzei Stanislawski
Barrington Fields Myers Sykes
Bingman Ford Newberry Treat
Branan Garrison Nichols Wyrick
Brecheen Halligan Reynolds
Brinkley Holt Russell
Brown Johnson, R. Schulz
Bass Eason Mc Laster Rice
Coates Johnson, C. Lerblance Wilson
Adelson Ivester Paddack