Letter to the Mayor

Dear Mayor Cindy Rosenthal,
As a resident of Norman and a high school, I wanted to speak to you briefly about our education.

Oklahoma has many exemplary schools producing outstanding students. Our public schools offer all kinds of opportunities, both curricular and extracurricular. However, I feel that schools need to improve in actually getting students themselves interested in learning for the sake of attaining knowledge and not getting a satisfying letter grade. Many times it seems that we just memorize a couple of facts for a test and then forget it all when the unit is over. Such knowledge is useless. To prepare students for college and career life, the state, schools, teachers need to think outside of the box and instill a thirst for knowledge in their students.  I believe that you can make a big difference in Norman's schools.Remember, the vitality of a good education is obvious in the reduction of poverty, increase in jobs, increase in tolerance and betterment of society.

Thank you for your time.

                                                                                                                                A High School Student